Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Google Maps is getting better......

Usally for people with Google Maps on their phone you are only limited to the outside, like streets and roads, & ect. But they never had it for buildings, so if you didn't know a building well you'd get lost. Well say goodbye to gettting lost in buildings, because as of this Tuesday Google Maps has inproved thier system  so you can see inside a building. The only glitch is that for some buildings that have thick walls of concrete its hard for Google to map out those buildings.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Google Music!!

   Google has just added an online music site where you can buy music and save it there. It's called Google music and sells songs and albums, for around $1. Google music can hold up to about  20,000 songs. Google music is a great app accept the music choices are smaller than I-tunes.

Monday, November 14, 2011

1st marking period refectio

One tool we learned this marking period in web was google docs. Before this class I never knew you could share a document or a PowerPoint with out using the same computer or user. Its really helped me in other classes too because of shared project's we don't have to be in the same place to do a project. I really like google docs now.

What i did this long weekend....

This weekend i went the freshman football game. On thursday I hung out with my friends. On Friday  And on saturday we watched the movie Jack and Jill. That movie was so halarious, i would really recomend you watch it. So this weekend i did allot!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Facebook isn't cheap

Over the past years websites wanted to buy Facebook, because of it popularity. And Facebook was smart to say no, because Facebook is now too big to buy. Facebook is now over 15 billon dollars.  If i was one of those websites i'd buy Facebook because although its expensive, its worth the buy.